Assignment Rules

Teams and number of chats per agent

To ensure that your chat conversations are going to a human team, you'll need to choose the team you'd like to assign it to. If ‘Bot’ is selected, the conversations will not appear in ChatCenter.

Here's how to set that up:

1. Click on BotEditor in the top navigation. 

2. Open the side menu bar and select ‘Channels'. 

3. Select ‘Webchat’. 

4. Scroll down and click on 'Assignment Rules’.

5. Under 'Assign To', select Team. 

6. Under 'Team', select your team. 

Make sure to click Save Settings once you're done to apply any changes. 

Under this same tab, you can assign a maximum number of open chats to an agent. 

Under ‘Assignment Rules’ enter the maximum number of chats per agent to ensure agents do not become overwhelmed with incoming chats.

Make sure to click Save Settings once you're done to apply any changes. 

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